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New Jersey Registered Voters List by Congressional District - Standard Unenhanced Version
New Jersey Registered Voters Lists by Congressional District

New Jersey Registered Voters List by Congressional District - Standard Unenhanced Version

Your Price:$350
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Voter List No.:1121

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New Jersey Registered Voters Lists by Congressional District - Standard Unenhanced Version

A privacy statute in NJ called "Daniels Law" was just brought to our attention. We have provided an opt out option since prior to January 2020. Everyone has always had the opportunity to opt out individually. 

Unfortunately our little business was blitzkrieged Dec 25, 2023 with over ten thousand emails in just a few hours. The deluge was essentially a Denial of Service spam-like attack. It shut our business down. We responded through Google anti-spam protection but that included helpful directions to each email on how they could opt out individually. 

Until we establish that our data redacts those NJ covered persons who may have paid for the spam approach to opt out, we are temporarily suspending sale/delivery of any records with a NJ address just to be safe. 

The eMerges Standard Voter List list captures and preserves nearly an exact snapshot of the voter file as it is supplied to eMerges by each respective board of elections. You may download the eMerges voter list in .csv delimited format or whatever format you may need.

Unlike our Quantum Registered Voter List, NO demographic enhancements are added to the Standard Voter Lists.  The Standard Voter Lists have only the basic voter data. The Standard Lists usually, but not always, have only these fields: Voter ID, full name and address, registration date, age, last date voted and recent voting history, state house and senate districts, precincts, gender, party, congressional district, county and active status. The Standard Lists have no phone numbers, no home ownership, no religion ---if you want those and dozens of other demographic enhancements you need to order the eMerges Quantum Registered Voter file.

For assistance contact us at: 410-205-5478 or email: [email protected].

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