We can customize your targeted list to reach your community. Our list includes exclusive data from states who no longer release the data. Pair your list with our registered voter database for greater impact:
1) Lists of Boat Owners and Watercraft, ATV and Snowmobile Registrations
Click this Link for an MS Excel spreadsheet metric of counts by state for our list of eight million boat owners and watercraft registrations. Create your own customized list by targeting:
- County
- Sate
- Zip
- USCG Hull ID and engine serial numbers
- Length
- Manufacturer
- Boat type - Sailboat, motor, jetski, government, etc.
- Manufacture date
- Primary usage - pleasure, government etc.
- Hull make - wood, fiberglass, etc.
- Fuel
- Motor-powered
- Jet-ski, and 40 other fields.
2) Big Kahuna's our list of Political Campaign Contributors
Click this link for an MS Excel spreadsheet metric of counts by state (including Guam and Puerto Rico) for our twelve million records of state political campaign contributors from 2000 to date depending on the state. Create a customized list of proven financial supporters by targeting:
- Contribution date
- Contribution aggregate total
- State
- County
- Union members
- Pro Life
- Pro Woman
- Government employees
- Employer
- Occupation
- Political cause or issue or committee
- Candidate and 20 other filters
3) Lists of Hunting and Fishing License and Permit Holders
Click this link for an MS Excel spreadsheet metric of count by state for our ten million hunter and fisherman permits and licenses. We have compiled and maintained records of who owns permits or licenses to fish and hunt within all fifty states and DC. Create your customized list by targeting:
- Gun Owners
- County
- State
- Zip
- "Non-resident" - I.E., target hunters who reside in Florida but travel to Alaska to hunt Grizzly Bears.
- Trapping
- Archery
- Small game
- Goat
- Deer
- Migratory bird
- Duck
- Bear
- Elk
- Fish
- Hunt
- Sportsman Permits and 35 other excellent filters.
4) Lists of Licensed Pilots and Aircraft Owner Registrations
eMerges has compiled and maintained over two million pilot licenses and aircraft registrations from 50 states and DC. Create your customized list by targeting:
- State
- County
- Zip
- Student
- Crop duster
- Date of license
- Make of plane
- Type of pilots license
- Registration date
- Medical date
If you would like additional assistance, call us at 410-205-5478 or email [email protected].